#6 Master Card: Priceless Pep Talk - There were about 4 of these commercials, this one is the best of all of them. The lines written for Peyton were clever, he's done so many commercials by now that he's not afraid to portray himself a little arrogant, but his execution could do a little more work. Maybe he'll get an acting coach after his football career is over. Just don't make the football version of 'Space Jam' if you decide to go to another sport. I'm thinking the Oreo-licking thing's not going to be that successful.
#5 United Way: 'Clay' - Like the Direct TV commercial from #13 on the list, this United Way commercial showed signs of Manning loosening up in front of the public and showing a more humorous side of himself.
#4 ESPN SportsCenter - Peyton and Eli acting like children. The memorable part of this commercial is Archie turning around and giving that paternal stare. It's commercials like this, along with #18, where I always find it funny that the athletes have to wear some sort of shirt or jersey as to inform the audience what team they play for. I'm sure these guys wear their team's colors 24/7. This is another commercial where we get to see Cooper.
#3 Master Card: 'Fan' Commercial 1 - The commercial that catapulted Peyton into endorsement stardom. Just remember #18, if you throw an interception, they're not yelling "Boo", they're yelling "Moovers." We'll see if Indy's willing to 'support their team' this season if injuries plague the Colts' season.