Ben X - Belgian film about a bullied teen w/ Asperger's syndrome who visualizes his school rivals as video game opponents. [TRAILER]
Dust - This German doc is about dust..oooooh fun. No, it really does seem like quite an engaging film and especially since I'm not the most organized person in the world.
The Fall - A little girl meets a man in a hospital who tells her an epic tale about 5 men who fight an evil general. Directed by Tarsem Singh, who did The Cell - very similar visual style.
The Home Song Stories - Chinese nightclub singer marries an Australian sailor and brings her family with her to Melbourne. [TRAILER]
Let the Right One In - Swedish film fantasy-romance-horror about a misfit 12 yr old who befriends a girl who ends up being a vampire. [TRAILER]
American Teen - This doc about high schoolers from Warsaw, IN, got high praise from Sundance and will most likely be a prominent entry at this year's festival. [TRAILER]
Some Assembly Required - Documentary about middle school kids preparing for the annual Toy Challenge.[TRAILER]
Nocturna - Animated film from Spain (English dubbed) about a kid afraid of the dark. I would like to see an animated flick this time around, I regret missing Paprika last year as it's a great film. [TRAILER]
Sukiyaki Western Django - campy East meets West overstylized Japanese Western meant to be a cult homage to several genres. I know this has been done many times before, but it looks entertaining.[TRAILER]
Stranded: I've Come From a Plane that Crashed on the Mountains - French doc in Spanish about the rugby team that crashed in the Andes. [TRAILER]
King of Ping Pong - Swedish film about a 16 yr old who tries to better his younger brother w/ ping pong.
PVC-1 - This Columbian film is shot in one continuous 85 min. take and is based on a true story about a Columbian woman who has a bomb made of PVC pipe wrapped around her head.[TRAILER]
The Wrecking Crew - Doc about the studio musicians that made the Beach Boys, Sinatra, The Mama's and the Papas memorable, sounds like Standing in the Shadows of Motown.
Good Food - A local look at organic farms in the state of Washington.
Baghead - A dark comedy about a some people who go off to the woods to write a screen play and get attacked by a guy w/ a bag on his head. I know, it sounds strange - it's directed by Jay and Mark Duplass(Puffy Chair). [TRAILER]
Man on Wire - UK doc about French acrobat Philippe Petit who tightrope walks across famous landmarks.
Ok, so I went to the SIFF website and looked at the movies and here is my list. I deliberately didn't look at yours so that we can see which ones we both want to see and say "oh man, I want to see that too...sweet"
Ben X
Breakfast with Scot
The Fall
Four Women
The Home Song Stories
Mister Foe
Late Bloomers
About Water
Stranded: I've come from a plane that crashed on the mountains
They killed sister Dorothy
Up the Yangtze
Seachd: The crimson snowdrop
A VAMPIRE MOVIE! I didn't see that one...I want to see the vampire movie too!
The Fall - I didn't realize that was being shown at SIFF, Gary was saying something about that too - likes pretty cool
My picks:
Anvil! The Story of Anvil
Apollo 54
The Apology Line
The Art of Memory
Ben X
Bigger Stronger Faster*
Boy A
Encounters at the End of the World
The Fall
The Home Song Stories
Love and Honor
The 27 Club
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