Yesterday the bestselling author, film maker, and Harvard MD Michael Crichton passed away from cancer at the age of 66. One of his most notable works, and one of my favorite movies, was Jurassic Park. I won't go too much into detail about Jurassic Park's impact on me as I mentioned it when Stan Winston died earlier this year, but his book exposed me to modern adult fiction and many of his works are favorites of mine. His writing was always tied to science while pushing its limits and making a fantastic read. Not only did he write novels, but he also wrote screenplays like Twister and directed films like Westworld. His medical expertise also led him to create the hit show, which ironically is on its 15th and final season, ER. Some of his books that were adapted to film include The Andromeda Strain, Congo, Sphere, The Great Train Robbery, Disclosure, and Timeline. Congo and Sphere were great pageturners that were unfortunately adapted to terrible films. His scientific views have also created some controversy including his views on global warming , environmentalism, and political influence on science.
Here's a short video with some bits of his film adaptations:
This is a really interesting interview with Charlie Rose:
A great lecture by Crichton on science and politics:
Crichton answers a question on his view of environmentalism as a religion:
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