Friday, February 20, 2009

Vitamins to Prevent Hearing Loss?

If you didn't see my presentation on otoprotectants in my class yesterday or don't even know what otoprotectants are, then you may not know that there's recently been research and supplements in the works to be taken to reduce the effects of noise-induced hearing loss. It's based research using antioxidants, like vitamin C, to reduce toxic levels of cellular bi-products produced in the inner ear when one is exposed to high levels of noise. Dr. Josef M Miller, Ph.D., from Kresge Hearing Research Institute at The University of Michigan has developed a supplement to reduce noise-induced hearing loss. He's started a company, OTO Medicine, to produce AuraQuell - a supplement of antioxidants (Vitamin A,C,E) and vasodilator (Mg). With this supplement, soldiers who are exposed to loud levels of noise where hearing protection may not be sufficient could take this supplement and reduce the risk or amount of permanent hearing loss. The supplement is in the human testing stage, it will be interesting to see what develops.

Here's a couple of videos with Dr. Miller on AuraQuell

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