Saturday, April 18, 2009

Michael Bay Feeds Us Some Transformers 2 Footage

Michael Bay posted online footage from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen that was shown at ShoWest this year, a motion picture industry convention where production companies advertise their films to theater owners. We get to see some fighting in the woods, more dialog that's embarrassing to listen to, and more robots. The most notable is the first footage of Devastator as well as Jetfire.

UPDATE 4/20/09: Bay had the video pulled, but I'm sure you can find it somewhere. He said to wait till Wolverine and Star Trek for more footage

Here's the footage in all explosive glory:

Jetfire, also known as Skyfire, has had a huge image overhaul for this film. He's made the transformation from a white Macross-like being to a senior citizen with a cane and metallic beard that transforms to an SR-71 Blackbird.

Compare the two looks:

80's Jetfire:

'09 Jetfire:

80's commercial for the Jetfire toy:

Jetfire from the cartoon:

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