Sunday, April 27, 2008

Ode to Bacon

This afternoon, I treated myself to some pancakes and bacon. I hadn't had any bacon in awhile and I realized how much I really love the stuff. The rest of the pig's good, but there's something about bacon that is so densely flavorful with a perfect balance of fattiness and saltiness. I found an article from The Dallas Morning News about the obsession w/ bacon. It includes some recipes, including one for the bacon chocolate chip cookie pictured. Gary gave me the link to this Taco Bell commercial that is currently being aired, which reflects society's current obsession with bacon. I found this blog called The Bacon Show, which provides a different bacon recipe everyday.

A couple of guys from Seattle have developed a seasoning known as Bacon Salt, it apparently is a meatless, kosher (that's right kosher) seasoning that makes anything you sprinkle on it taste like bacon. Here's a video of what people are saying about Bacon Salt:

Below is a clip from Jim Gaffigan on Conan O' Brien professing his love for bacon:

Ever wonder how bacon is made?

Here's a creative take on bacon!

1 comment:

Gary said...

Cracklings is the American name for pork rind produced by frying or roasting, though it can be expanded to include the skin of a goose or another animal. Pieces of fried meat, skin, or membrane produced as a byproduct of rendering lard are also called cracklings.

more wikipedia here: